Chinese New Year Canada Vitamin Deals
Chinese New Year Canada Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How long will the Chinese New Year Sale last?
A: Our site-wide portion runs from Tuesday, Monday, Feb 7th.
Q: What if the price drops after I ordered my Chinese New Year Sale items?
A: will guarantee the lowest price on your order within 10 days of your purchase. If you make a purchase on and within 10 days of your order, the price drops, we will honour the lowest price and refund you the difference.
Q: What if I need help to choose the right products?
A: Never an issue! We have dedicated team members who can always help you decide what items to purchase! You can either email us or call +1 877-500-2001
Q: Where do I find Chinese New Year contest pages to enter to win free prizes?
A: We try to host as many contests and giveaways as to treat our Vitamart Family members! Here is the Contest page.
Q: Can you price match another Chinese New Year Deal?
A: Yes we will always price match the lowest price for an item, however, we cannot price match and then layer on a current promotion