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5 Benefits of Vitamart.ca's NEW Enhanced On-Site Search

In our never ending quest to provide you a 5-STAR CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE and improve the website we are proud to announce we have upgraded our on-site search.
Here are the 5 benefits:
1. It’s Faster
The search box reads your queries quicker and provides instant search suggestions through a drop down search assist box.

2. Popular Search Suggestions
Want to know what other people are searching for as it relates to your search? Or maybe you can’t seem to spell some of those complicated supplement terms. Our intelligent search suggests the correct spelling along with other popular search suggestions related to your search.

3. Relevant Categories
Depending on what you are looking for there might be a number of categories that carry that kind of product. Now all you do is type in the category that you feel has your product and you will see a variety of others that might also have a solution to your health concern.

4. Related Blogs and Related Content
Now it is easier to practice “Better Health Made Simple” through health education from the recommended content offered on every search.

5. Product + Reviews
If you know the exact product you want and type it into the box, we can get you there almost immediately. Not only do we show you a thumbnail of the product along with the name and price, but for any product that has it, you can also see how many reviews there are.

We hope you like the new Vitamart.ca Upgraded On-Site Search and that it helps you find the health solution you are looking for faster and more accurately!
We very much encourage you to provide your feedback. Do you have a favourite feature? Is there something you were hoping we would add? Comment below :)