Cyber Monday Canada Vitamin Deals
Cyber Monday Canada Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When is Cyber Monday in Canada in 2021?
A: Cyber Monday in Canada is Monday, November 29, 2021.
Q: What if the price drops further after I just ordered?
A: will guarantee the lowest price on your order within 10 days of your purchase. If you make a purchase on and within 10 days of your order, the price drops, we will honor the lowest price and refund you the difference.
Q: Can I layer coupons on top of the 2021 Cyber Monday Deals?
A: Unfortunately you can only take advantage of one discount at a time and you are not able to use a coupon for a further discount on a Cyber Monday sale item.
Q: What deals will be offered at Cyber Monday Canada 2021?
A: To see the Cyber Monday Sales click here
Q: Where do I find Cyber Monday 2021 contest pages to enter to win free prizes?
A: We try to host as many contests and giveaways to treat our Vitamart Family members! Here is the Contest page.
Q: Can you price match another 2021 Cyber Monday Deal?
A: Yes we will always price match the lowest price for an item, however, we cannot price match and then layer on the 2021 Cyber Monday promo price on top of the price match.