6 Powerful Benefits of Cordyceps Mushroom

6 Powerful Benefits Of Cordyceps Mushroom

........To Get You Feeling Your Best

      Have you been feeling worn down after the holidays? Having a hard time bouncing back into the swing of regular routines and long hours at work? Today’s blog post may have a solution for you!
Mushrooms have been used as food, medicine and in spiritual practices across the world since at least 5000 BC. There are more than 14,000 species of mushrooms that are recognized and of these 2000 of them are edible. Within the 2000 edible mushrooms, about 300 of them are considered therapeutic agents which can be beneficial to human health. As a result of this, mushrooms are being developed as nutraceuticals! 
Today, we will be talking about the mushroom, Cordyceps Sinensis. Cordyceps is a rare fungus that grows in the cold, snowy mountains of Tibet, Nepal and India. There are more than 400 species of Cordyceps - the most well-known one being Cordyceps Sinensis. It has a 2,000 year long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).  It was described in ancient TCM texts to treat patients suffering from urinary disturbance, sexual dysfunction, fertility and one of its biggest functions is restoring energy and vitality for the body.

The Main Ingredients Of Cordyceps 

Cordyceps contains various biologically active substances that play a pivotal role in the body, including: 
  • Nucleosides (adenosine, guanine, uracil, thymine)
    • Building blocks of DNA, protein and ATP (energy storage in the body)
  • Cordycepin
    • Contains anticancer, immunomodulating and antioxidant abilities
  • Amino Acids (Tryptophan)
    • Supports synthesis of serotonin (happy hormone)
  • Minerals + Vitamins
    • Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron,  Zinc, CoQ10
    • Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12, Vitamin E, Vitamin K
  • Phytosterols (B-sitosterol)
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