6 Reasons Why Rice Protein Is the Best Choice If You Have Allergies

As an allergy sufferer, it may seem difficult to find any product on the market that suits you, whether it be a beauty product, a snack food, or even your protein supplement choice. If you are looking for a healthy and nutritious protein source that is conducive to any allergies you may have, rice protein is the best option by far, and here is why:

  • To begin with, rice protein is very easy on the digestive system, and it has a much smaller potential for causing allergic reactions. The reason behind this is that it is free of many allergens often found in food products, like milk, soy, egg, wheat, and yeast. If you have digestive difficulties or any allergy issues, then rice protein is the best choice by far.
  • Rice protein will effectively balance your diet, which is especially helpful if you are allergy prone. Allergy sufferers often have immune issues, and a rice protein deficiency can exacerbate those problems. In fact, not having rice protein in your diet can cause neurological disorders, fatigue, joint swelling, pain, and immune problems. The best way to safeguard against any potential allergies is through a dependable rice protein source that will keep you protected with balanced nutrition.
  • Rice is a complete protein. If you struggle with allergies and are still hoping to make use of your protein supplements, you may wonder if you are getting the best nutrition if you cannot have milk, egg, or soy. The answer is a resounding yes with rice protein! Rice protein is made by isolating protein within brown rice, so it is a complete protein that has nonessential and essential amino acids. Rice protein is also completely hypoallergenic, so it is perfect for any individuals with allergies.
  • Rice protein is ideal for vegetarians. Even though being a vegetarian or vegan is not a technical allergy, it does mean that you need to avoid many different food groups. A strict vegan may not be able to have dairy, egg, or any animal byproducts, and a rice protein product is completely safe for those dietary restrictions. Rice protein will give you a complete form of rice protein, which is often lacking from a vegetarian diet, and rice protein will also be safe in not containing allergens or animal byproducts.
  • Rice protein is a global protein. When you think about it, half of the world relies upon rice protein that comes from rice, including Africa and Asia. Rice is eaten within those cultures as a staple, especially since it is a natural crop. With that example in mind, it is obvious that rice protein has sustained cultures for centuries, and rice protein is also an ideal and safe choice in a rice protein supplement. If you have allergies to a number of different foods, there is no reason to stress about what may or may not be in your protein supplement because rice protein is universally safe, bottom line.
  • Rice protein offers balance to the diet. Again, rice protein is very easily digestible, and rice protein may be suitable for those allergic or intolerant to gluten who cannot have rice. It is also an energy providing rice protein that can be slowly digested by the body to provide high levels of performance all day long. If you are allergic to gluten, it may be difficult for you to find suitable products, and rice protein would be the best choice by far. Rice protein is hypoallergenic and a supplement that is made through a natural process. Furthermore, rice protein is ideal for anyone concerned about excess chemicals and additives within their products because rice protein is gentle and natural. As an example, there has been research shown that likens the amino acid profile within rice protein to the same content as a mother's milk, meaning that it is one of the most nutritious substances available anywhere in the world. Impressive!

The bottom line is that it is highly important to focus on your rice protein source regardless of your lifestyle, and even more so if you have allergies. Severe allergies leave you vulnerable to a number of different issues, like viruses, illnesses, and a lowered immune system. Having a reliable protein source is one of the best ways to make sure that you are functioning in optimal health and also protected from a severe allergic reaction.

Rice protein is easy on the digestive system.

Just to underscore the benefits of rice protein for those with or without allergies, rice protein is also better digested by the body than a soy product. If you are someone who is lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy products, you may be considering the use of a soy supplement. However, rice protein is again completely hypoallergenic, and rice protein is also more gentle on the digestive system than a soy supplement. Rice protein is an easy solution to anyone with a sensitive stomach, medical condition, or even IBS because rice protein is a natural way to intake rice protein through a supplement form.

Rice protein has a pleasing, natural flavor.

Rice protein also has a nice, natural flavoring. If you are concerned about a chalky or harsh taste in your protein supplement, you won't have to worry about that with rice protein since it is such a natural protein source. For this reason, it is also quite easy to blend with water, milk, juice, or even mix into a smoothie. This will allow you to up your rice protein intake in your diet without having to worry about compromising taste or flavor!

Rice protein has a number of product choices!

Advancements in rice protein products have come quite a long way, so you have the opportunity to purchase rice protein in vanilla, chocolate, and even strawberry flavors. This gives you the chance to choose the best flavor for your dietary needs so that you can actually enjoy your supplement while you are increasing protein in your diet! Rice protein is becoming more and more popular, and it is available in a number of health food store locations, as well as through reputable online retailers. Consider rice protein to be your best option by far in protecting yourself and balancing your diet if you are an allergy sufferer looking for the right choice in a rice protein supplement!

  • For a complete rice protein, try North Coast Naturals Organic Brown Rice Protein.
  • For a dairy free rice protein blend, try Interactive Nutrition Complete Vegetarian Protein.